
Analysis.run_strain_map_analysis(project, cca_name, strain_map_analyses)#

Run one or more strain map analyses.

  • project (str) – Name of the Sherlock project.

  • cca_name (str) – Name of the main CCA for the analysis.

  • strain_map_analyses (list) –

    Analyses consisting of these properties:

    • analysis_typeRunStrainMapAnalysisRequestAnalysisType

      Type of analysis to run.

    • event_strain_mapslist

      Strain maps assigned to the desired life cycle events for a given PCB side. The list consists of these properties:

      • phase_namestr

        Life cycle phase name for the strain map assignment.

      • event_namestr

        Life cycle event name for the strain map assignment.

      • pcb_sidestr

        PCB side for the strain map. Options are "TOP" and "BOTTOM".

      • strain_mapstr

        Name of the strain map assigned to the life cycle event.

      • sub_assembly_namestr, optional

        Name of the subassembly CCA to assign the strain map to.


Status code of the response. 0 for success.

Return type:



>>> from ansys.sherlock.core.launcher import launch_sherlock
>>> sherlock = launch_sherlock()
>>> analysis_request = SherlockAnalysisService_pb2.RunStrainMapAnalysisRequest
>>> sherlock.analysis.run_strain_map_analysis(
        "Main Board",
            [["Phase 1", "Random Vibe", "TOP", "MainBoardStrain - Top"],
             ["Phase 1", "Random Vibe", "BOTTOM", "MainBoardStrain - Bottom"],
             ["Phase 1", "Random Vibe", "TOP", "MemoryCard1Strain", "Memory Card 1"]],